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Goldratt Japan CEO 

Yuji Kishira, born in 1959. As an author, speaker and change management leader, Yuji Kishira has been supporting holistic management transformation in various industries and government organizations. Some of his implementation are actively being picked in the mass media frequently. One of his works, “Win-Win-Win public work reform” was adopted by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and many prefectural, city Government all over the Japan. As a director of Goldratt Consulting, he is involving in various big companies holistic change initiatives to be ever-flouring companies. His special interest in the change initiatives is people’s harmony – WA in Japanese. Inspired by it, he has been rediscovering Japanese implicit best practices and making them into practical explicit body of knowledge. His various books are best and long sellers throughout Japan.

ザ・ゴール コミック版
最短で達成する 全体最適のプロジェクトマネジメント
職場の理不尽: めげないヒント45
ザ・ゴール2 コミック版
子どもの考える力をつける 3つの秘密道具 お悩み解決! ! にゃんと探偵団
エリヤフ・ゴールドラット  何が、会社の目的を妨げるのか
ザ・ゴール3 コミック版 チェンジ・ザ・ルール!
実学社長のマーケティング: 速攻の成功戦略 「勝つ仕組み」はこうつくる!
過剰管理の処方箋 自然にみんながやる気!になる
脱常識の儲かる仕組み: チェンジ・ザ・ルール!
出張直前! 一夜漬けのビジネス英会話
全体最適の問題解決入門 ―「木を見て森も見る」思考プロセスを身につけよう!
知らないからできる 既成概念を覆す「0(ゼロ)ベース思考」
​A Collection of Bugs Sayings​

I've been collecting sayings from project workplaces and making a commentary collection of sayings that compare them to bugs. I thought it would be unpopular, but I was surprised by the tremendous response. I would be happy if people laughed at it.  


​Preparation is 80% of project success

These are the most frequently used words on project management sites. However, a long-standing mystery is that nobody can explain how to practice them.Some say the secret is written on the master’s back.

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​Lighting a fire under the butts ​

This bug never works hard until the deadline but then changes behavior dramatically, working hard night and day to keep the due date.

Some of them proudly call themselves ‘Magicians at Deadline.’



Emergency response taken when facing trouble. The cleverness of firefighting is sometimes considered to show the capability of project managers.

Many managers find beauty in firefighting itself.


Rice cake in the sky​

(Something looks good but unattainable)

This process sheet is often prepared at the planning stage, aiming to persuade front-line managers or clients.

It is supposed to be for progress management, but for some reason, no one looks after it once it starts. In most cases, it is just handled inside the manager’s mind.


Leave well enough alone​

Even though the people in charge know their administrative tasks are futile and overwhelming to the extent that they press their main tasks, they carry on.

Since most tasks are legal matters or client requirements, it is less troublesome to abide by them rather than point out that they are futile.

Because clients and accounting managers are so powerful, it takes much time and effort to oppose them; it is considered best to leave them as is.


Holing up in a can​

When a project is at its peak, project managers often let their people accomplish tasks day and night, preparing for hotel stays.

Managers think it a treat; however, sleeping on sofas on-site is often far more comfortable.


Learning the craft by shadowing a master​

When one-to-one on-site lessons were available, they were highly effective methods of conducting project management training.

The younger generation practiced ‘thinking’ by carefully observing experienced managers and understanding the meaning of their actions.


The voice acting was done by Daimon Maki, who voiced Juno, the main character in the film JUNO, and the director was Artmic8neo, who has won a number of grand prizes at animation festivals. Thanks to them, I am thrilled that the work is so wonderful that it is one or two orders of magnitude different from the original work. I'm thinking of making the world a little brighter with this kind of work!Recently, I've also been working as an animated film producer for The Goal series.

Theory of Constraints (TOC) Let’s Build Companies where Everyone Says,"It's Monday!"

Theory of Constraints (TOC) Let’s Build Companies where Everyone Says,"It's Monday!"

Why "It's Monday!" is key for a company to improve? In the world-class best-selling "The Goal" published in 1984, Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, as an author, reminds the hero that the ultimate goal of the company is "to make money." The theory of constraints (TOC) is introduced by D.Goldratt for the first time in this book . Then, a quarter century later, he will speak a new message. The last lesson that Dr. Goldratt arrived at was "let’s build companies where everyone says,"It's Monday!"" Lecturer: Yuji Kishira (Goldratt Japan CEO) As an author, speaker and change management leader, Yuji Kishira has been supporting holistic management transformation in various industries and government organizations. Some of his implementation are actively being picked in the mass media frequently. One of his works, “Win-Win-Win public work reform” was adopted by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and many prefectural, city Government all over the Japan. As a director of Goldratt Consulting, he is involving in various big companies holistic change initiatives to be ever-flouring companies. His special interest in the change initiatives is people’s harmony – WA in Japanese. Inspired by it, he has been rediscovering Japanese implicit best practices and making them into practical explicit body of knowledge. His various books are best and long sellers throughout Japan. Official Twitter Account Production Staff Video/Edit: Goldratt Japan Lecturer: Yuji Kishira (Goldratt Japan CEO) Music: Hirofumi Okamoto & Web: Mail: The Goal Comic Edition (Japanese) #TOC #TheoryofConstraints #Goldratt


このコント動画はミルクボーイの大ファン岸良が、最大の敬意と尊敬をオマージュするために創ったものです。 Goldratt Channelは毎週金曜日更新。「Goldratt=金の知恵」をお届けしていきます! ★より学び成果を出したい方はコチラ! 『Goldratt Channel Pro』 見るだけじゃもったいない!学びを深め成果に繋げるWEBサイト (月額1000円 一部無料でお試し視聴もできます) <講師プロフィール> 岸良裕司 - Goldratt Japan CEO - ・東京大学MMRC(ものづくり経営研究センター)非常勤講師 ・国土交通大学 非常勤講師 1959年生まれ。東京外国語大学卒業後、京セラ(株)に入社。半導体部品事業本部、半導体部品営業統括部にて主にマーケティングの強化に尽力。全体最適のマネジメントであるTOC(Theory Of Constraint:制約理論) をあらゆる産業や行政で実践し、活動成果の1つとして発表された「三方良しの公共事業」は世界的ベストセラー「ザ・ゴール」著者、E.ゴールドラット博士の絶賛を浴び、07年4月に国策として正式に採用される。 2008年4月、ゴールドラット博士に請われて、ゴールドラット・コンサルティングに入職し、日本代表となる。科学的に再現性のあるロジックで短期間で飛躍的な成果を次々と出し続けている。  著書: 三方良しの公共事業改革 全体最適の問題解決入門 最短で達成する 全体最適のプロジェクトマネジメント 優れた発想はなぜゴミ箱に捨てられるのか? など多数 <チャンネルについて> ■ 公式Twitterアカウント  今すぐ役立つ数々の著書名言集 ■ note(ゴールドラットチャネルを創ってる人) メンバーの考察やおすすめ、制作こぼれ話が読めます! ■ 制作・お問い合わせ 【制作】Goldratt Japan 【講師】岸良裕司 【音楽】岡本博文 & 【会社HP】 【MAIL】 ○TOC(制約理論)を学ぶなら『ザ・ゴール コミック版』がオススメ!   <今後の配信予定タイトル> ・手段と目的を履き違えるのはなぜ?  ・感情的になるのは悪いことなのか? ・危機感を持っていてもあまり変わらないのはなぜか? ・良い解決策に欠かせない2つ条件とは? ・なぜゴールドラット博士は「誰でも天才になれる」と主張しているのか? ・キャリア志向の落とし穴-市場価値を高める最速の方法とは?- ・問題をプラスに変える3つの質問とは? ・自分に自信がつき、毎日がワクワクするたった一つの習慣とは? ・すぐれた後継者を育成するためには? ・鳴り物入りの手法を導入しても思ったような成果が出ないのはなぜ? #岸良裕司 #TOC #ミルクボーイ
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